Wednesday, January 12, 2011


Can't believe we're 12 days into the new year. It's been really hectic of late. I've read only one book so far this year, although I have a couple books to review from last month. The first book of the year is Justin Cronin's The Passage. It was a monster of a book (good thing I like my books monster sized;) ) that a lot of people loved and a lot of people hated. I fall in the middle. I love the genre (post-apocalyptic fiction) and have read the other two books it's mainly compared to (Stephen King's The Stand, and Swan Song by Robert McCammon) and while it falls a little short of these, it's a good book. And The Stand is one of my favorite books, I wouldn't call this an imitation though. The Passage is the fist of a trilogy, so if you don't want to wait, I'd hold off reading them until the last is out. It may be a wait though...the closest thing I could find to a release date for book two was a mention of two years in a forum (so, summer 2012). There are a lot of things that make you stop and say wait a minute...but you have to just relax and read it for what it is. I'm guilty of doing the same when I watch movies, (As if that could happen!!!~ Whatever, that's so fake) but try not to be so critical when I read. I do read for enjoyment after all. I would recommend this to all of the genre's fans, even if it's not on their top ten list it's worth the can always get it free from the library:)

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