Tuesday, June 29, 2010

what I've been reading.....

Ok, let's see. What have I read? Lament, which is the book after Ballad, by Maggie Steifvater. Loved it:) It threw me off because I was expecting it to be from Dee's point of view, but it was about James. That doesn't happen often that I've seen. But it was still very good. I like having a male protagonist. The vast majority of YA fiction have female leads, main characters. Target audience, I guess. Girls read more than guys(?) The next two books in the Vampire Academy series (Frost Bite and Shadow Kiss). I few graphic novels, and one graphic autobiographical book, which I won't even count. I just finished The Reckoning, which is the third novel in the Darkest Powers trilogy by Kelly Armstrong. I'm sad that's over...it was really starting to get good. Derek was finally able to Change and become a werewolf in the last 3rd of the book. Him and Chloe were finally starting to connect. Then bye bye. Something about werewolves, I really like. I was always a Jacob fan in Twilight. Then I read Shiver by Maggie Stiefvater, got me totally hooked on them. Not wild crazy drooling werewolves but you know, the sweet sensitive ones. LOL. I'm a little afraid to tackle some non-YA werewolf stuff though. Not really into reading about sex in books. Love the falling and romantic stuff, just not anything more. right now I'm in between two books, The Secret Zoo...which is a JF book about a boy whose sister is missing and he and his friends are trying to save her, from a secret hidden world (literally) connected to his local zoo. I'd have Darrell start reading it to Corbin but it's kinda long. the other book I am reading is The Death and Life of Charlie St. Cloud. It's about Charlie St. Cloud's choice between keeping a promise he made to his brother, who died in a car accident, or going after the girl he loves. I checked it out because I saw a preview of the movie that's coming out and it looked good. So far, it's ok....some bits are boring but I'll trudge through it because I suspect that the ending is gonna be amazing. One thing I do have to say the characters in the book are much older than the ones in the movie. It will be interesting to see how that changes the dynamic, if at all. (The movie stars Zac Efron who was 21 when the film was made, and already looks younger than he is, but Charlie is 28 in the book). I suppose to appeal to a younger audience. Well gotta go for now and take care of the chicklets so I'll update more later.

Monday, June 7, 2010

i HAVE been reading....

Read a few books over the last week or so.
*Neil Gainman's The Graveyard Book (Boy raised in graveyard by ghosts after family is murdered)
*Amelia Atwater-Rhodes' Hawksong (Girl-hawk shape-shifter and boy-snake shape-shifter must marry to stop a centuries long war between their two kinds)
*William P Young's The Shack (man returns to place of his young daughter's murder to meet with God)

These were all good books. The Shack is thought provoking, and was something that I'll like to read again one day. The conversations between Mack and the different parts of God (think: trinity) were great...I'd re-read it again just for those parts. Hawksong was romantic, and you really root for both sides. I can't wait to read the next one. And The Graveyard Book was good, although I'm not such a huge fan of his as some...I mean the praise is fairly well heaped on the back of the book, but i guess they only do use the most exuberant ones LOL.

I have several books in transit at the library and I really hope some come in tomorrow.

Oh and something really cool! I won an autographed copy of Still Sucks to be Me by Kimberly Pauley. It's a teen vampire novel. Now I just gotta get the first one from the library to read it first!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

The Devil's Labyrinth

Just forced myself to finish The Devil's Labyrinth by John Saul. I've read several of his books, in fact in high school Creature was one of my favorites. I just couldn't get into this book. Ug, I don't want to even try to come up with a synopsis...but let me try to be as succinct as possible. (warning: spoiler-ish) Boy gets sent to catholic boarding school after being beat at school...mom's new boyfriend (boy's dad dies in war 2 years earlier) is not who he seems and neither are the priests. Priest trying to do exorcisms...or are they?! Evil plot to kill the Pope by the priest who is really a muslim!
Too many questions in this book are left unanswered and the ending is really abrupt and unfulfilling. I don't recommend this book.