Thursday, July 8, 2010


well as it seems I **obviously** can't find the willpower to post after every book I read I will try for weekly updates. Maybe that's more a more realistic goal? Well here is what I've read since my last update. And I've been reading a lot...
* The Secret Zoo by Brian Chick
* Blood Promise by Richelle Mead
* Heart to Heart by Lurlene McDaniel
* The Long Wait for Tomorrow by Joaquin Dorfman
* The Smoke Thief by Shana Abe
* Bloodletting and Miraculous Cures: Stories by Vincent Lam
* Birthmarked by Caragh O'Brien

The Secret Zoo was a bit too juvenile for my tastes....and the Smoke Thief was a bit too adult. By juvenile, I don't mean as a bad thing, just more of a kids book. And The Smoke Thief had several sex scenes in it...which I don't like to read about. Romance, sure, just not...details. Ug. I just skipped over those parts. I mean it did have a good fantasy plot, about a race of dragons that can change to human and smoke's not a trash romance with fabio making out with someone on the cover, but still. I don't know if I'll read anymore of it or not. Most likely not. Just stick with my YA books. Which usually don't go into graphic details.

Continuing with the vampire Academy Series, in Blood Promise Rose is tracking down Dimitri to kill him after he was turned into a strigio. She travels to Siberia and after spending some time in his clutches she kills him, or so she thinks. When she gets back to Lissa at their school, she finds out that it wasn't successful. Can't wait for the next's on hold at the library and hopefully won't take too long> i like this series.

Heart to Heart
was a quick read about a girl whose best friend died in a car accident. Her organs were donated and the recipient begins to develop some of the same likes and feelings of the donor. It explored the 'cellular memory' theory that some (especially heart recipients) feel after transplant.

The Long Wait for Tomorrow by Joaquin Dorfman was a combo of the movies Seventeen Again, Donnie Darko, and The Butterfly Effect. It's weird how books remind me of movies. A teen starts acting weirdly and claims he's forty years old and in a mental institution...and is in a dream of his youth or then thinks he's gone back to prevent some tragedy from occurring. it's got a suspenseful edge that keeps you reading to find out what happens. Some parts are a little confusing and it doesn't wrap up as neatly as I'd like though.

Bloodletting and Miraculous Cures: Stories by Vincent Lam follows 4 people, Fitzpatrick, Ming, Chen and Sri as they go from college to med school and beyond. It was a good book, not my favorite though. I couldn't help picturing the characters as ones from the show ER though. Fitz was carter, Ming was Neela (although Ming is Chinese, Neela was more in my head). It's short stories rather than one continuous novel, but it was about the same people so it read to me more like a choppy novel that switched points of view.

I just finished Birthmarked. It's a dystopian (for some reason I really dislike that word, dystopian...bleh) tale..."Gaia's world is outside the wall. She is a midwife and those outside the wall are required to give up three of their babies to the enclave inside the wall where they will live the privileged life every month. When Gaia's parents go missing she suddenly questions her existence and the rules that her society has always followed. She breaks into the enclave and finds that things there aren't as perfect as they've always seemed." It was good, I'll be looking forward to the next one.

Whew. I am currently reading The Red Pyramid, the first of Rick Riordan's newest series (The Kane Chronicles). Not very far into it though. I'll post again in a week or so. ciao~

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