Saturday, May 22, 2010

Harvest Home

I just finished Harvest Home by Thomas Tryon. It was written in 1973. It'a about a family from new York who go to live in a small isolated town in the country. The villagers are very old fashioned and it's easy to see they are hiding something. By the time Ned, the protagonist, finds out what...he is, let's say, severely punished.

It takes a LONG time to get to the interesting part of the novel. Parts of it were very graphic, and I didn't like that too much. It was slow in parts (mainly first half to 2/3rds of the book!)...I found myself skimming in places. It reminded me of (why do all these books remind me of movies?) the Nicholas Cage movie The Wicker Man. which was kinda interesting, the original Wicker Man movie had been filmed the year before this novel but had not been released yet, but very similar themes. I'll have to see the original, it's supposed to be A LOT much that the director and people involved with the first, completely disassociated themselves from the remake!

but I digress. This book is ok, but not for the faint of heart. It's very adult themed (rape, murder, etc). Not something I will re-read, but not something I regret reading either.

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